Originally Posted by Alias
I dont really have anything to add to this subject other than this: If you think shotguns dont take skill, your a noob. I dont mean that in a bad way, your just a stinking filthy noob. There are some INSANE players out there when it comes to shotguns. It takes alot of skill to become an elite shotgunner. Dont believe me? I invite you to come to the .|a.M|. server anytime youd like.
Yep i agree with that,im not fantastic with shotgun but pretty good and im constantly being called "shitgun noob" "shottie whore" i now take this as a compliment cos im obviously getting right up their nose ,the real joy of it is then i change to smg and kill em again cos im more proficient with that.
At that point the whinger either shuts up or leaves,both of which has the desired effect.
And 1 last thing,all these people that come out and say "i can easily kill shotgun noobs" my answer is WHY are you moaning about them then!