The map is complete.
i am just taking a few more days to make sure everything is correct and the way I want it.
There will be SH and AA version..
Heres some screens:
the map is the original thunder.
the size has not increased.
all the buildings are in there same exact location.
But every building has been totally redone. added more detail, and new textures.
But now there is a bridge, more areas to rifle from, mortars, deployable mg42's and an under ground access.
and yes, you can jump in the water.
everything the original thunder offered.. and more.
Location: South Side Chicago *GO SOX | BEARS | ILLINI*
12-05-2002, 02:46 AM
damn impressive Rungsi! like the others have mentioned, the thunder series has been top notch...ive played all of them since the first version came out! great work lookin foward to play Thunder II