Originally Posted by Bane
Nearly this entire thread is a testament to it's subject.
LOL No one's said it better, Bane.
Let me tell you all a story. About 5 or 6 months ago, I think it was, I started playing a game. I found this really cool server with a website address attached to its name. Said to myself, "self, maybe I'll find some cool stuff at that site." So I wandered over to this site and started looking around... found lots of useful information (thanks BS!). I jumped into the forums and low and behold there was a plethora of useful information being spilled forth by almost everyone. Of coarse, like you'll find on any forum, there was some flaming (and I'm not talking about Pyr0 and Star, but that's another story). But overall, it was a great place to go for help and to develop a relationship with other people interested in blowing your head off.
About September rolled around and suddenly, when all the kids had to do more than play MOH all day, these forums started receiving more and more flames and off-topic crap. Then the cheating subjects started. Then the exp. pack subjects started getting out of control. And now it's the patch. Of coarse, the cheating was there from the beginning, but now it's every other thread and still going strong. And we're all aware of the EA bashing which has gone on longer then MOH's programmers have been thinking about WW2 as a gaming subject.
So if you're wondering what happened, well... so am I, actually. But I don't care as much anymore because I visit this forum about .05% as often as I did 2 months ago because of this crap. And that's probably what's happened to all the other guys who used to hang out on these forums shoveling tons of help at us. It's really too bad, but these things happen on the internet. Hopefully BS will get more ppl on these forums and ppl will start finding that they can't access the site anymore.