ASE fix for MoH: Spearhead 2.11 Retail Patch -
12-07-2002, 06:50 PM
The fix was made possible by Fugitive and vip4ee and me.
Ill also ask that people put more mirrors up and post links to them here. Thank you.
a few thing could have gone wrong. one is that u didnt replace the files with the ones on the site. 2 is that u might have some other filter(s) that is blocking spearhead. I would understand if the servers would show and you wouldnt be able to join but i dont see why u dont get any servers. The only thing i can tell u is to unsiatll ase and reinstall it and then aply the fix. remember to extract and were u installed ase. make sure u dont extract them in another folder in the ase folder. when u extract them you shoudl get filters.txt and default.fil next to the ase exe.
Here's my [url=]filters.txt[/url:6fdfe] nStuff.. It includes the customary check box format for version filtering.
Dont do the automatic updates, infact when you load ASE, cancel the automatic update and uncheck the box. If not your gonna have to do it all over again. I learned the hardway.