* tnp|aNtihEro has joined
<DoomOnYou> aight i think i got all ze weapon sounds
* DoomOnYou sets mode: +v tnp|aNtihEro
<tnp|aNtihEro> lir
<tnp|aNtihEro> tehres faces on my screen
<DoomOnYou> k
<tnp|aNtihEro> get them off
<tnp|aNtihEro> its a big smily face
<tnp|aNtihEro> and it turned into a mans bear
<tnp|aNtihEro> d
<Tripper> Anti is on drugs
<tnp|aNtihEro> im here
<tnp|aNtihEro> what baout pry
<tnp|aNtihEro> hes gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyy
<DoomOnYou> soooo ghey?
<tnp|aNtihEro> i just went on a tirp
<tnp|aNtihEro> and i saw my cat melt
<tnp|aNtihEro> and the wwalls pulsate
<Tripper> you're a fucking junkie!

<tnp|aNtihEro> hes back
<tnp|aNtihEro> but hes a seeping puddle of dead cat
<tnp|aNtihEro> FCUJK
<tnp|aNtihEro> FUCK CUAT
<tnp|aNtihEro> FUCKING CAT
<Tripper> You were yapping before.....<tnp|aNtihEro> lir
<Tripper> <tnp|aNtihEro> tehres faces on my screen
<Tripper> <DoomOnYou> k
<Tripper> <tnp|aNtihEro> get them off
<Tripper> <tnp|aNtihEro> its a big smily face
<Tripper> <tnp|aNtihEro> and it turned into a mans bear
<Tripper> <tnp|aNtihEro> d
<Tripper> ROFL!
<tnp|aNtihEro> did i say that
<tnp|aNtihEro> yes
<tnp|aNtihEro> yes u did
<tnp|aNtihEro> aweosme
<tnp|aNtihEro> thanks anti
<tnp|aNtihEro> anytime
<tnp|aNtihEro> haha
<tnp|aNtihEro> where we going now
<tnp|aNtihEro> take me on a trip tripper
<tnp|aNtihEro> fucking floors are a desert
<Tripper> on a trip?
<tnp|aNtihEro> yehaj
<tnp|aNtihEro> lets go
<Tripper> Lets fly over lovely of the route to timbucktoo!
<tnp|aNtihEro> there sno place
<Tripper> Its a sunny day
<tnp|aNtihEro> the cat is back
<tnp|aNtihEro> let me go say hello
<Tripper> the cat WILL KILL YOU!
<tnp|aNtihEro> and get that hawk of my scren
<Tripper> KILL IT FIRST!
<Tripper> ANTI! ARE j00 OKAY!?
<tnp|aNtihEro> no
<tnp|aNtihEro> im acbj
<tnp|aNtihEro> the cat is fucking
<Tripper> acbj?
<tnp|aNtihEro> a dinosaur
<Tripper> its fucking a dinosaur?
<tnp|aNtihEro> when u look at it from underneath
<Tripper> LOL
<Tripper> Yousa fucked up!
<tnp|aNtihEro> no
<tnp|aNtihEro> it is a dinosaur
<tnp|aNtihEro> stupid
<Tripper> YES
<Tripper> YES
<Tripper> YES
<Tripper> Yousa fucked up!
<Tripper> Dinosaurs are dead.
<Tripper> There are no more, muther fucker!
<Tripper> Anti, you are going to die.
<tnp|aNtihEro> ;ost
<tnp|aNtihEro> liar
<Tripper> Im not lieing.
<Tripper> It is the truth
<Tripper> ......
<Tripper> What are you tripping on?
<Tripper> Acid, Shrooms??
<tnp|aNtihEro> some blue mushrooms
<tnp|aNtihEro> i didnt eman to
<tnp|aNtihEro> they fell in my mouth
<tnp|aNtihEro> and more
<tnp|aNtihEro> and more
<tnp|aNtihEro> until i ate the whoel bunch
<Tripper> Oo...No fun. No wonder you aren't falling for my gags.
<tnp|aNtihEro> gagss
<Tripper> Go take something more potent, so that I can confuse your dumb junkie ass
<tnp|aNtihEro> are ment for children
<Tripper> Yes.
<Tripper> They sure are.
<tnp|aNtihEro> haha
<tnp|aNtihEro> ur always right tirpper
<Tripper> Why are you such a fucked up person today, anti? Would you like to talk about it?
<Tripper> How is that cat?
<tnp|aNtihEro> hes like back
<Tripper> back? Is he still melting?
<tnp|aNtihEro> nnoo
<tnp|aNtihEro> but hes glwoing
<tnp|aNtihEro> and liek being a dick to me
<tnp|aNtihEro> so i told him off
<tnp|aNtihEro> hes a thefi
<Tripper> HAHA!
<Tripper> ROFL!
<Tripper> Discipline his ass!
<tnp|aNtihEro> i threated him
<tnp|aNtihEro> wtih my gel pad for my keyboard
<tnp|aNtihEro> and he ran away liek the bitch ass he is
<Tripper> BAHAHA!
<DoomOnYou> owned
<tnp|aNtihEro> hahastirkor
<Tripper> lol
<Tripper> "stirkor"
<tnp|aNtihEro> i keep seeing stuff on my screen
<tnp|aNtihEro> a ring
<tnp|aNtihEro> and a closed eye
* Pyr0 has joined
<tnp|aNtihEro> pryo
<tnp|aNtihEro> shanw
<Tripper> Strikor! Remember!
<Pyr0> hobos
<tnp|aNtihEro> remember stirkor
<Tripper> *shhhhh*
<Pyr0> fuck you tripper
<tnp|aNtihEro> we had sex with my cat
<tnp|aNtihEro> and he was fuckign a dinosar
<Pyr0> !trivia unlimited
<Tripper> Fuck you, bitch-ass trick!
<Pyr0> nuts
<Tripper> HAHAH
<Tripper> NOT WORKING.
<tnp|aNtihEro> owned
<Tripper> You got pwned, Pyro.
<tnp|aNtihEro> the screen is so close
<Tripper> lol
<Tripper> what is it doing?
<Tripper> anything unusual?
<tnp|aNtihEro> flashing
<Tripper> lol
<tnp|aNtihEro> now i see little lines
<Pyr0> Tripper is my mother
<tnp|aNtihEro> moving up and down
<tnp|aNtihEro> WTFU
<Pyr0> now you know
<Tripper> Yes, you is my son, pryo.
<Pyr0> nice

<Pyr0> night
* Pyr0 has quit IRC (corvette sucks dick)
<Tripper> he's gone!
<Tripper> Our master plan can be fufilled!
<tnp|aNtihEro> wtf
<tnp|aNtihEro> what happened
<Tripper> what happened
<Tripper> ?
<tnp|aNtihEro> trippr
<tnp|aNtihEro> im drawing u a pciture
<tnp|aNtihEro> but stop changing the colors k
<Tripper> okay
<Tripper> will my name be on it?
<tnp|aNtihEro> dide stp[
<Tripper> changing colours? Im not its black.....
<Tripper> !
<Tripper> Im sorry!
<tnp|aNtihEro> it was black
<tnp|aNtihEro> and u turned it bornw
<tnp|aNtihEro> dick
<Tripper> haha, you fucking junkie
<tnp|aNtihEro> wtf
<tnp|aNtihEro> thats not it
<tnp|aNtihEro> thats ur pictutre
<Tripper> AHAHA!
<Tripper> That's fucking bad-ass!
<tnp|aNtihEro> dude
<tnp|aNtihEro> the walls are lifiting
<Tripper> LOL
<Tripper> Look out!
<tnp|aNtihEro> its the border
<tnp|aNtihEro> on them
<tnp|aNtihEro> around it
<tnp|aNtihEro> i mdae that
<Tripper> lol
<Tripper> I know
<Tripper> I saved it...its cool
<tnp|aNtihEro> spam spam
<tnp|aNtihEro> all day long
<tnp|aNtihEro> gonan spam spam spam and sing that song
<DoomOnYou> hmm trippa you know any skinners
<DoomOnYou> itd be tight to have skins too
<tnp|aNtihEro> i can make skins
<tnp|aNtihEro> kdina
<DoomOnYou> how kinda kinda
<tnp|aNtihEro> like good i guess but im nut good
<tnp|aNtihEro> i ahve seom stuff
<tnp|aNtihEro> im outta
<tnp|aNtihEro> here
<Tripper> Outta
<Tripper> hair?
<tnp|aNtihEro> watching the fan change colors was too much fun for me
<Tripper> like a bald man?
<Tripper> lol
<tnp|aNtihEro> im not bald
<tnp|aNtihEro> nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooote nough frun
<Tripper> Yeah, you've got hippie hair
<tnp|aNtihEro> bye
<tnp|aNtihEro> tripper
<Tripper> bye
<tnp|aNtihEro> post somethign in my magic thread
<Tripper> I shall!
<tnp|aNtihEro> so i can come back in the mroning
<Tripper> hehe
<tnp|aNtihEro> and laugh my ass off
* Web_IRC210 has joined
<Tripper> I will
<Tripper> Oh no.....
* tnp|aNtihEro has left
<Tripper> Fuck you old.
<Web_IRC210> ok
<Tripper> sure
<Tripper> alright
<Tripper> great!
<Tripper> grand!
* tnp|aNtihEro has joined
<tnp|aNtihEro> i cam back
<Tripper> anti
<tnp|aNtihEro> liek al ot puppy
<Tripper> lol
<tnp|aNtihEro> tripster
<tnp|aNtihEro> hold enter
<tnp|aNtihEro> its liek brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
<tnp|aNtihEro> cold comutpers
<Tripper> ffff
<Tripper> f
<Tripper> f
<Tripper> f
<Tripper> f
* Web_IRC210 has quit IRC (CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF))
<tnp|aNtihEro> f i fufck
<Tripper> bvjfg
<Tripper> gtjr
<Tripper> cold puta'
<Tripper> wowie zowie
<tnp|aNtihEro> be back
<tnp|aNtihEro> im going on a trip
<Tripper> okay
<tnp|aNtihEro> mba ck
<tnp|aNtihEro> goign on another
<Tripper> oka
<tnp|aNtihEro> that fan
<tnp|aNtihEro> cahnged colors
<tnp|aNtihEro> its like glowing
<Tripper> hah
<tnp|aNtihEro> and its rainbow colors
<Tripper> lol
<tnp|aNtihEro> remember
<Tripper> colours of the rainbow
<tnp|aNtihEro> when the cat melted
<Tripper> yeah, that was fucked up
<tnp|aNtihEro> it was like a pool
<tnp|aNtihEro> of dead cat
<tnp|aNtihEro> che ruvera
<tnp|aNtihEro> get off my screen
<Tripper> che guevera? Like the revolutionist? LOL
<tnp|aNtihEro> i tell ya fuckign kids on my screen again
<tnp|aNtihEro> back to the fan
<Tripper> fan
* DoomOnYou sets mode: +v tnp|aNtihEro
<Tripper> those damn kids
<tnp|aNtihEro> i know
<tnp|aNtihEro> fucking
<tnp|aNtihEro> dont wear my paintball mask
<Tripper> they need to be disciplined
<tnp|aNtihEro> k
<tnp|aNtihEro> heres the repot
<tnp|aNtihEro> report
<tnp|aNtihEro> fan was lack
<tnp|aNtihEro> black
<tnp|aNtihEro> rthis time
<tnp|aNtihEro> cats no longer a dinsoaur
<tnp|aNtihEro> thereare blood stains on my comptuer screen
<tnp|aNtihEro> and i am officialy going otbed
<tnp|aNtihEro> i cant even stand up
<tnp|aNtihEro> tripper
<tnp|aNtihEro> ur mission
<tnp|aNtihEro> report my actions to my magic thread
<tnp|aNtihEro> so i can laugh at this in the morning
<tnp|aNtihEro> btw my hair is green now
* tnp|aNtihEro has quit IRC