The official site added more stuff....there is a whole summary of mission 1, they basically told us the entire mission...summaries and breifings of all the levels in mission 1, i hope they dont plan on giving away all of the missions...i already chose not to read all the summaries, i read the first one, but i controlled myself from reading sure i'll get bored one day and read it...but hopefully not..
naw i think they know what there doing...they pay people to make good economic moves for the company......they know what there doing
"I tryed so hard and got so far but in the end it doesnt even matter...i had to fall to loose it all but in the end it doesnt even matter...." -Linkin Parks "In the End"
"I....I feel so alive for the very first time...i cant deny u" -P.O.D's "Alive"