[quote=Hobbs][quote="Jedi Marksman":04efd]
Originally Posted by r3mix
Originally Posted by "The Counter-Sniper":04efd
C'mon guys. Canadians are good people. Certainly more reliable than some of our other "allies". Americans and Canadians kicked ass in Afghanistan as well. So, here is to the Land of the Maple Leaf. biggrin:
i thought is was the US that was TKing canadians in afghanistan.
talk about your 'unreliable' allies lmao.
yea we did Jedi! We killed them in a bombing raid i think eek:[/quote:04efd]
Yes, you did. What happened was a company of Canadians were doing target practice at a training range just ouside of Kandahar. An American plane flew over, and thought they were Taliban fighters. The pilot, despite a direct order from ground control in Kandahar, dropped the bomb into the middle of the well-known, well-marked trainning field, killing four Canadian paratroopers and wounding eight.
Originally posted by [LRRP] Speedyjay:
Isnt that just a take off of the new USMC patterns???????
I don't know, CADPAT was created back in the mid to late 1990's, but they only started issuing it to soldiers recently. I have pics of Canadian soldiers in Bosnia in about 1997 or 1998 with CADPAT helmet covers.
Originally posted by ninty9:
Yeah they make everything cadpat. They are even thinking of making cadpat boots. Their really ugly. Really really ugly. They should stick to the black. Theres even some pics of the C7 in cadpat. They went cadpat crazy.
CADPAT C7's (Canadian version of the M16 for everyone who doesn't know what a C7 is)?!?!?!? That's taking it a little too far. But you have to admit, it's a very effective camo pattern.