Okay I have two questions regarding a single player map I am building for MOHAA, not Spearhead.
1) How do I create a good looking wire like the ones you see connected to lights and fuse boxes (please include how to build a good wire and the textures needed).
2) I want to have a AI (either german or allied) appear at a point (point A) and run to a different point (point B) and when they are shot they reappear at the same point (point A) and run to the other point (point B). How would I do this? Please include both the mapping and scripting aspects of this.
Location: Maas-Waal Canal Bridge, Netherlands. (Dug-in, dodging bullets all over the place)
12-11-2002, 09:53 AM
first look at the map and scripts for the m4l0 level that came with the editor, at the end of the map theres a spawn point for dogs where dogs keep coming from, even if you kill one... only if you reach a certain point the dogs wont appear... check out how that did that and you've learned something new all by yourself...