I'm 46.... I spend most of my time on these forums with the childrenn in Off Topic.... I'm one of the worst players out there, so if you see me on a server, you know there is atleast on easy kill.
Location: In the clock tower, aiming at LoneGunner65
12-12-2002, 01:50 AM
You didn't have to diss yourself. Damn. Anyway, i'm 21 and i work at a Networking company called Cisco... Great, huh. Well, anyway, its easy and i get paid a lot. I have a wife, Sheena, and no kids. biggrin:
I'm 46.... I spend most of my time on these forums with the childrenn in Off Topic.... I'm one of the worst players out there, so if you see me on a server, you know there is atleast on easy kill.
Your not alone, man. I get killed alot! I'm workin' on my aim, though.