Originally Posted by r3mix
fuck else was the point of calling it a bug ?
Hmm.. Well let me answer that poopy pants.. It's a fucking bug because now it's a race to select your weapon before you become a 1st round spectator. This is only a problem when you have "g_allowjointime" set to 10.. So now we are upping our g_allowjointime to 30 again.. But this also gives people the ability to respawn on Objective maps.. Yeah.. Just rush like your invincible..you can respawn within 30 seconds anywho..
You may have noticed alot of people seem to show up after the rest of us on new maps. These people load alittle slower.. So this weapon thing makes most of them sit out the first round.. But I personally concider it a bug because it's second guessing my choice of weapondry. And I never have a problem using even the wrong weapon for one public round. So it's like asking me to pick a weapon when I have already done so.
Other than that.. The only bitch I see here is yourself.. Sept your not one of those prissy type bitches. Your more like an ugly fat tweaker bitch with a 70's B G's haircut. eek: