When you have the stg and you hop off a ladder. it makes the click-chika sound.. The same exact sound it makes at the end of a reload...
The thing is.. Every weapons does the same thing when you get off the ladders. Every weapon sept the pistols makes it's reload "cocking" sound when you get off em ladders..
Correct me if I'm talking about the wrong thing.. But I even went as far as testing this theory. And the only sound the stg made for me getting off the ladder was just that. And further testing showed that all other weapons do the same thing.
nStuff, no they all dont. Ive been playing this game since day 1 ok, along with ALOT of ppl that know that the stg has to "reload" when getting off a ladder. Granted, some weapons make a noice like a "unholster" noice, but NOT reload. STG is the ONLY one that does that. hake: