"Yeah, if you dont have a network administrator, how can your registry get blocked from being edited?"
first off your network doesnt control your registry. Second, I would not mess around with your registry. Way to many people think they can do it and WAY to many people mess up 1 little bit and fuck whole system up.
thanks Wolf...err I meant vVolf. I have read up on some AD and IP masquerating and system security policies but dont mean shit to me..oh well. Oh, I have one more problem. I need help setting up SAMBA on my Linux box running Slack distro 8.0. I can access it only thru my win98 box but not my Win2k or WinXp box. I think it has something to do with password not being able to read as text rather it read it as encrypted characters. Where do I change it in win2k/winXP registry to it accept passwords as text? Disabling encrypted password on win2K/XP poses a security hole. Is there a way to secure it down while still having normal text password? Oh, and my nmap program on my Linux box dont work. nmap allows you to scan other ppl machine for open ports and what software they are running. I only use it to monitor internal nextwork. Are you also familiar with ethereal? If so, please let me know...i need help using it. Thanks.