cry: Someone help me please, i have currupted my Medal Of Honor Allied Assualt exe file, can someone please send me it as my mate has my CD and he's in spain till new year, i just got spearhead and can't install it! Help Me please.
Can someone else please send the PATCHED version1.1 of MOHAA.EXE i am in desperate need for it i want to play spearhead but i cant cos my old mohaa.exe is currupt, some dodgy MOD fuk me up!
corrupted huh? if your 1.1 was corrupted then you could simply re-install the patch meaning you have the warez version.
I'm sorry, but I agree Strik0r here. What mod would mess with your MOHAA.EXE file? Unless it was a virus. I find this very hard to believe. Did you try using a No-CD patch?