Well, i was looking through CNN and i came across these articles:
[quote:129b0]SEOUL, South Korea -- More than 50,000 South Koreans have rallied in Seoul to protest the deaths of two teenage girls killed after being hit by a U.S. military vehicle.[/quote:129b0]
This type of shit really ticks me off. Here are a bunch of Koreans protesting against the US because two teenage girls had an accident with a US Military truck. I mean for christ sake, shit happens! This one fact that pisses me off about man kind. In the Korean war we wasted american lives on these fuckin gooks to save there fuckin country and look at the thanx we get! The only reason South Korea hasnt come under commie rule is because of the U.S. Troops stationed there. Ok, two girls were killed by an ACCIDENT im sorry its sad but an anti US is over the edge. How easy they forget the shit our boys went through to save these ungrateful bitches. Look at it, they want our 37.000 troops to leave.....and u know what happens if we leave? Ill tell you, South Korea gets ass raped by the North...the only reason they are are not the North's bitch is cuz of the Birtish and American and whoever lese fought in the Korean war, and becasue of the soldiers who are still there. Without the US there nothing. THis sort of shit really pisses me off!
another article...
[quote:129b0]SEOUL, South Korea -- Amid a row over its nuclear weapons program, North Korea's ruling party newspaper has fired a barb at Washington, saying the country is ready to deliver "bitter defeat and death" to a threatening United States.[/quote:129b0]
ROFL! i find this one very funny. North Korea better watch there skinny asses before they get a few ICBM's up there ass. Like seriosuly, how stupid can you be? A bitter defeat? give me a break, if they even attempt to launch a nuke stirke on the DMZ they would be blown off the map. How fast they forget what we did to North Korea in the Korean war. Day in day out the world never ceaes to amaze the fuck outta me...countries just get more retarted...
Disclamer: yeah i used some racial slurs, im sorry if it offended anyone but im pissed of...i have nothing against koreans, my Korean friends and they acutally agree with me..but thats neither here no there there, this is just a rant about world bull shit
- Fram