I recently played multiplayer Spearhead at school. Then I packed my stuff up and came home for Christmas break. I try to run Spearhead and now when I load the game and go to the map and click Normandy, I get through the video sometimes and then if I do get past the video I get to a screen with a nice painting of a german with an AA gun looking up. The red bar soon scrolls across the screen as the game loads. The red gets almost to the end of the bar and then stops. I am then sent back to the main menu. What do I do? MOHAA works fine....its just SH that is giving me problems...and I've played this game many times before on this machine....I'm lost....I don't understand. Please Help!
A few weeks ago I had the same thing & some other SH problems. The guys on the noticeboard advised that I uninstall all MOHAA mods, patches & the game. I did all of this & it got rid of this problem.
Give it a try - make sure you remove all of the mods & maps - that's what I did.
Location: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education"
12-16-2002, 06:46 PM
No actually there is a very simple solution to this, just move out all of your mods out of the Main folder into a temp folder. The only pak files should be 0-6, and that's it. You can add mods later and see if the game kicks you out, but it works every time for me when I forget to take my mods out.