I have a question about a custom scope I made.
I uninstalled AA and SH as I was having a few problems, which are now all sorted. But I lost my "original" custom scope, so I remade it. It was made in Paintshop Pro and uses a green centre dot. but whenever I go into a game the dot appears black. I can't seem to work out why? It used to work fine before I put SH on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I had the same problem , here's what you do . Copy your scope and paste it in the Mainta folder . It should be in the MOHAA folder . I'm not sure if you need to have a file in the main folder and the mainta folder , but that's what I did . Thanks again to Brutal CarNage for the tip .
noooooo, ya hafta put a new shder in with the scope that allows color on the allied scope. I'm assuming your talkin it dont have color in either sh or aa. if thats not your problem and its only sh your havin problems with, then disregard my drunken post here.
but you said you remade it yes? well with my experience with allied scopes you hafta put a new_hud.shader in with them so that colors will show on them. just dl any old colored allied scope and snatch the shader from it.