Let me see if I if I can put this together :.
Facts we know
1. As you know bye now, Most of the Air Warrior dev. team got the axe 10/23/01. They were developing a new engine for AW (Planes came 1st) flight model, art , terrains etc.... It was delvolped with the same engine I believe.
2. Medal of Honor Looks fantastic far ahead of AW in ground development.
Little short on plane art! Now if I were Ea, and (i dont know if this is possible) , But it seams to me the Art is made with the same tool.
why would I pay to develop more art for an old game when I have this new, very cool game in the wings?
I have Plane art! I have a way cool game! I need multiplayer though! So, I'll save some money, fire EaVa Hold up the release of MoH add the new art and FM,
http://www.cstone.net/~kelton/a4.jpg http://www.cstone.net/~kelton/bf109.jpg http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/jeff_hann...ir%2bWarrior%2 bImages%26.src=ph%26.view=t
and get a version rdy for my online site.
http://mohaa.ea.com/ http://eanucleus.boards.ea.com/messa...729&decode=602
I have a flight sim that can run till this is rdy.
Now, when MoH does release I have a game that will rival wwonlineii <Becuase I Have deep pockets>. Then I can pump the game with advertising on TV.
3. True, MoH is a 1st person Game. But there are mods in progress for multiplayer online play. ( Bands of Brothers)
4. MoH release has been delayed till Feb-Mar. Time for EA to achieve it's goal.
5. Most of the gaming interviews hint of MoH Online. Th AA guys discuss it here
BTW AA Guys u can find your foe's here

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Did I forget any body?
My Guess,