Yes, you should set it up into the Messages section on ModDelator (check the help to see what it would look like).
If you run a linux server, you can schedule the usual "console:" message to be displayed at a time, but not periodically (personally, I like much more in-game messages and they don't need a remote rcon app running, but...)
Err. 126 is usual on w98, sorry. I've done a lot of searches on the net, but nobody appears to know what it means or why it happens, only that it is very usual to get it if you use mswinsck.ocx on w98 (which Delator does).
And Delator doesn't scan the computer of the players, only the server contents, which is enough to know if the exe is modified, if you know what you're doing :-)
Err. 126 is usual on w98, sorry. I've done a lot of searches on the net, but nobody appears to know what it means or why it happens, only that it is very usual to get it if you use mswinsck.ocx on w98 (which Delator does).
And Delator doesn't scan the computer of the players, only the server contents, which is enough to know if the exe is modified, if you know what you're doing :-)
Ok thanks! ill prolly get winXP soon. And can we scan a server that doesnt belong to us, for example, if i think some1 is cheating on a server, can i scan this server?
i've got download Delator 2.0.
I made the settings and i press on Start!
He's trying to scan and after a few seconds he says :
There is already a Rcon Delator montiroring the server!
and he says sometimes :
Runtime error 6
What is the problem? Can someone help me??
We've got a server from TheGameHost! Maybe that's the problem.
It warns whenever a user with ping<100 has a maxrate<5001 (as of rcondelator.exe version Check on the player list what rate they're using (5000=isdn, 4000=modem). If they have a broadband connection and a lower setting then their game can become laggy on some maps (as they're not downloading all the info his connection is able to).
If your version is older than then please update (remember the version is for rcondelator.exe, the downloaded file is still named