"What a comment, to bad we're all n00bs huh? I don't think we will be touching the game for a little while so let's just hold that comment. Oh wait, do you mean forum n00bs? Well, than your pretty much a forum n00b also. Most people here are. I remember registering when there was about a post a week. Comments like that get nowhere. We were all once n00bs. It takes n00bs to build the community. Think about that one.."
I'm not 'pretty much' a forums n00b, ive been here for a long time, even before i had this account, and ive followed MOHAA since about February when there were only like 4 or 5 screenshots.....what i mean about the AA.net ppl being n00bs is that most of them have been around the AA community for a month or less and know little about the game and often make stupid comments (sometimes in regards to 2015 and EA being "bitches") and make stupid assumtions....whereas the AA.com ppl (can be bitchy at times of course) but know more about the game basically because we have the developers come and talk to us and answer questions....and because of that i think we have more respect for the developers and stuff....but if i hear the word n00b anymore times im probably gunna puke so i dont even want to talk about this anymore, im sorry if ive offended anyone im going to keep my mouth shut.
-3rd Infantry Division-
Rock of the Marne!