Not a bad update I must say. That FAQ was very informative.
My pick of the litter....
Q: Will there be an Omaha beach map in Multi-player?
A: Yes.
Q: How many guns will you be able to carry at one time in the game?
A: Usually 4-5, but this will vary from mission to mission.
Q: How many maps can we expect to see in the final product?
A: There will be about 10-12 multiplayer maps and 33 levels in solo-play.
Q: Any chance of flame-throwers?
A: Yes, in future MOH games for the PC.
(Not so much the Flamethrower, BUT FUTURE GAMES !!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO)
Q: How many players can be online in multi-play at one time in the same scenario?
A: 32.
Q: Can the M1 Garande be reloaded on command?
A: Not until you empty the clip.

I'm a happy camper
Any Questions, Concerns or Comments ?
Email me
Remember to look at the
FAQ and
Developers Q and A before posting.
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