Down with cheaters--once and for all! -
12-26-2002, 10:41 PM
You know you hat'em, you just don't know how to get rid of'em, right? Well, I have a plan.
I know every single one of you here hates the idea of cheat vs cheat; It's really so stupid. And everyone here hates cheaters. I suggest we rebell.
First, we ban them from every single server we posibly can.
Then we ban them from AA. After that, we post their MOHAA and message board, AIM, MSN, YIM, etc etc on every site we possibly can. Hopefuly we can wipe out a LOT of MOHAA cheaters... M16: fire1: But the other games are a different story.
It's worth a try I say.
Squad, arm your weapons... cool:
It's time to go into battle! swordfight:
Also, if you are an elite at MOHAA, you can still kill the n00b cheaters, but who likes going up against them? New and beter cheats come out all the time, which we fuc*ing hate. Oh, I need an anti-cheat too...