133Mb Download!! Or whatever im sadly a 56gay cough cough 56k sorry and a GayOL user i mean AOL sad huh?(waits for gasps)...So in this case I go to the store because it said at www.mohaa.ea.com that it would be in the January issue of Computer Gaming World so I head up to the local Safeway Store and go there find the January issue today bought it w/o looking at the shit on front and get home open it up and find no MoH demo inside just some god damn Flashpoint demo which I cant run b/c i have 64mb RAM which is the requirement for MoH Do I talk to much or what? Well so in conclusion I lost $10 got screwed over by MoH offical site people and Screwed over by my connection and ISP God Damnit! dont mean to be rude but it is very irritating i have been waiting for months pondering whether this demo BS is true and finally i get screwed over and cant get DSL b/c i dont have the right wires and cant get cable im sure but can I get a T1 or any other T connections?
its not january now is it? NO. so how could you think of buying the demo of january in december??
Now, the demo for the magazine in JANUARY will be the single player demo, NOT the multiplayer.
"Does it really smell like cookies. Ohhhhh, she farted and it went down my throat." Guy from Family Guy
There may be what tortures you.
There may be what reduces you to silence.
There may be what fails to satisfy you.
There may be what irritates you.
There may be what grieves you.
But man has to train himself by enduring these things.
Well, magazines normally come out a month ahead of the month they are for....January issue in December..so on so forth. So he was correct in thinking that it would be on there. But in all reality, I think the magazine would have had atleast an inkling of information on the front to say that the demo was on the disc...dont you ??
YES! I downloaded the demo using a 56K!!!! You may now refer to me as "GOD". But since I don't believe in God that means that I don't believe in myself. A very strange thing indeed.
Word of the day: Getright(Use it wisely)
If you're so good at being a lesbian, then why do you turn me on? -Steve Carell(The Daily Show)
i dont believe in god but u can still think ur god just not the same god.hahahahaha
"Does it really smell like cookies. Ohhhhh, she farted and it went down my throat." Guy from Family Guy
There may be what tortures you.
There may be what reduces you to silence.
There may be what fails to satisfy you.
There may be what irritates you.
There may be what grieves you.
But man has to train himself by enduring these things.
I download 100mb+ demos and files at least once every couple of weeks with my AOL 56k and it almost always goes well. Downloaded the Moh:AA demo overnight without a hitch.
What puzzles me is, ive sifted through the demo and ive found skins, models and other large things that arent in the demo map, like tanks and jeeps, other playermodels and skins, and thousands of textures, why is it here?
So people like me much around with it and change stuff around
Any Questions, Concerns or Comments ?
Email me at:Mindsnare18@hotmail.com
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