[quote="Bullet Sponge":2e4f1]First , damn nice babe in your sig Innoxx ! Second , where do people get off bitching about " assault snipers " ? First you whine about camping , now you bitch about running around ! Make up your fucking minds people , geez . I can't understand where the complaint is in this one . If you get owned by a guy with a five round mag , in a bolt action rifle , you're the one with the problem not him ! Just about anyone should be able to take a sniper in cqb ( close quarters battle ) . If you can't , then stop crying and start practicing ! Nuff said .[/quote:2e4f1]
nice term there "new age" snipers... I must put myself in that category since I like moving around with a sniper rifle and shootin at close range when necessary.....it's so friggin boring standing still waiting for that silent kill like your vasili from that movie Enemy at the Gates. Impatient..yes I know.
MOHAA is GREAT. Only a few minor complaints about it really... rocket whoring up the ass. I don't mind people using rockets but man overkill sometimes can really suck. Nothing lamer than an objective map game with 14 of 16 rocket whores from the Allied side. OVERKILL!!!!!
Oh and bitches that whine & moan that you are "cheating", "wallhack" and the really funny one "aimbot" cause you keep owning their pathetic sorry ass. For once I would like to see someone admit that a) they suck or b) they got owned plain & simple but noooooooo.... its always the other guys fault! Hell when I got owned I admit it & give the guy props!!! fire1:
mohaa its freaking great but u cant fucking whine about weapons, there are part of the game, rockets, shotguns, snipers, smgs, pistols, u whine about rockets and shotguns for been n00b weapons, u also dont like "new age" snipers cause they move alot, u dont like smgs cause "sniper-smg" u dont like mg cause it overpowered u dont like the bar cause its very accurate, u dont like nades cause they kill u, u dont like riflemen cause they own u, wtf! play the game and stop whining
I hate it when half my team (including myself) is using rifles and some MG (on CKR) or shotgun (on stock) ass starts bragging about how he's "owning" everyone on your team, then when you say that he should try it with the rifle like everyone he's killing he calls you a n00b hake:
[quote="Bullet Sponge":a57be]First you whine about camping , now you bitch about running around![/quote:a57be]
This is what I hate about MOH:AA; the incessant whining about every single weapon in the game. No one (in the eyes of the whiners) has any talent anymore. And nothing anyone does is worth a n1 anymore. Instead, all must resort to derision and whining.