before all, were can a find a good server that real and good player stop by, because i'm lookin' for 1 before this saturday 4th, please tell me one it important
as you know this guy post this and a realize this
ST_Bazooka_Joe This game will never die. . .never!!! heh
thats true, this game will never die, but i ain't to sure about the route that is taken, i've thinkin' in gettin' retire, because for me is ain't fun anymore
it sucks but thats for real, maybe i let my legacy of MP40 & Mauser to this brand new rocket & shotties guys (skill less, but i better than nothing)
please if you someone sees a server that real player stop by, give me a call sometime, please ( i'm hope that my last game will be this saturday 4th, so maybe this is gonna be my last post as a player, so c-ya guys
i'll miss the talk, laugh, nice play and all that kind of stuff, please don't lose the contact
(i'm almost cryin')
i for real, i gonna retire, so bye.....................