I like uncensored board because sometimes words like "fuck" helps you express your position or viewpoint better. I won't go around saying those words for no reasons so don't worry. On one gaming site the board was so censored that you see ***** everywhere and you can't even understand a normal post that someone typed, and that sucks.
Btw, LMF = Loud Mutha Fucker, I should put that in my sig
Like in max payne center people kuss so much and get this when a new mod comes out they think its a honor get get the first, second, third, fourth, 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th and so on now thats more gay than the swearing.
Starcraft is still good...... really I mean it.
The 40,000 people playin starcraft mystery may never be sloved as the game is 5 yrs old.
LMF, the overuse of profanity has always been and always will be a clear sign of a weak mind trying desperately to express itself.
If you want or expect to be taken with even the slightest bit of seriousness, and do not wish to be disregarded and disrespected by all save those who share your rather juvenile mentality, you will limit your profanity to those situations in which it is appropriate.
A person who resorts to using "fuck" every other word looks, for all intents and purposes, to be developmentally disabled.