Would it be ironic to call him a stupid little shit??
He climbed into the manhole, fell, and required 60 firefighters to rescue him along with police and ambulance crews?! I hope he or his parents are required to pay any bills.
That sad thing is they will probably blame whoever was responsible for leaving the manhole open hake:
[quote="Tha Great One":cc20d]canadian kid..how ironic[/quote:cc20d]
& american kids never do anything stupid? iread somewhere that hundreds of kids have been injured down in the states (im sure their have been some in canada too) trying to redo their own jackass stunts.
Seriously, I'm sure his grandkids will get a kick out of hearing THIS story...
"You kids and your protective suits piss me off: Back in our days, we swam
in our waste systems! Yep, it smelled bad and it was infected with bacteria,
but you don't see me 6-feet deep now do ya ?"
Seriously, I'm sure his grandkids will get a kick out of hearing THIS story...
"You kids and your protective suits piss me off: Back in our days, we swam
in our waste systems! Yep, it smelled bad and it was infected with bacteria,
but you don't see me 6-feet deep now do ya ?"
lol i was about to say the same exact thing, minus the re-enactment
[quote="Sargent_Scrotum":2bad6][quote="Tha Great One":2bad6]canadian kid..how ironic[/quote:2bad6]
& american kids never do anything stupid? iread somewhere that hundreds of kids have been injured down in the states (im sure their have been some in canada too) trying to redo their own jackass stunts.[/quote:2bad6]