How do i load a map in lvl editor -
01-05-2003, 07:37 PM
Hey Guyz,
I am new to this, and i want to know how to you load a custom map liek snowy park to modify it in the level editor, i just want to add things and make an objective map out of it.
Thanks for your help
CoZmO member of the PhatPipe Crew
bigzooka: M16:
Re: How do i load a map in lvl editor -
01-05-2003, 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by CoZmO
Hey Guyz,
I am new to this, and i want to know how to you load a custom map liek snowy park to modify it in the level editor, i just want to add things and make an objective map out of it.
Thanks for your help
CoZmO member of the PhatPipe Crew
bigzooka: M16:
first, you can't edit snowy part. you need the original .map file.
have u ever seen map edits where it changes the map 4 a server, but everyone can still play the map cause its only an edit, and sry bad link, the link is:
[url=]MoHAATools v 1.5[/url:abb97]
With this program you can decompile a .bsp into a .map file - Its not perfect ; many entities don't appear and each brush in the map is made into 6 brushes - its an extremly time consuming process, but it is possibe to do....
What you might want to do is look for some of the playermade maps of the stock ones - (Stalingrad 2, Crossroads 2 etc) and take those apart. The harder way is to make your own map, but ultimately, you'll learn 50000% more than you would by just working with other maps. On the other hand, if you really just want to change one or two things, then go the route you're after. Good luck.
Surgeon is correct. download that program and use it to export a .map file of the map you want. be warned though, as 75% of the brushes that were there, wont be. took me nearly 300 hours to restore and restyle for Stalingrad 2. good luck and please do not hesitate to email me with any questions you might have. [email:65cb3][/email:65cb3]