Originally Posted by Oldguy
mwah: mwah: mwah: mwah: If they pull this thing off , I'll be there and you will pay for that remark. biggrin: biggrin: biggrin:
LOL Bring it, baby!!
Butcher and the rest who are interested in hosting this, e-mail me at
admin@allaboutnothing.net and let's coordinate this thang!! Only reason I say e-mail is that it's much more reliable than this forum. oOo:
Perhaps we should get a sign-up thread going just to see how many people are really interested in doing this.
And Kid, the Code Security mod is an awesome tool to help in the war against cheaters. Check out
http://www.clancode.ru and go to the server page. The link for the download should be at the bottom. Works great with Delator and Dog Tags, even on Spearhead. For instance, I forced a screenshot on one known cheater and a suspected cheater. The suspected one is asking for forgiveness and is banned and the known one never replied and got banned. Bastiches everywhere, but I love the force-screenshot idea. You can't fool the camera, baby! LOL