powell we just find it funny how after you spend all your time trying to ruin the community with hacks and going around crashing servers that you want to be "one of the guys" in that very same game.
although it should be fun to see how poorly you do without them...
powell we just find it funny how after you spend all your time trying to ruin the community with hacks and going around crashing servers that you want to be "one of the guys" in that very same game.
although it should be fun to see how poorly you do without them...
its funny. you always mock me, but ive never heard anything good about you. lack of skill stik0r? ahh poor baby. evil:
Just for sh!+s and giggles - I saw this on a clan site and thought it was pretty funny. If nothing else, mpowell, you are famous, or should that be infamous.
wow, gee. i havent seen that before. wow another detail! look at the date. its day after Xmas. mmm gee. old news. get a life pest. update me when you have something real to show everyone.
i don't know powell, why don't you drop by the aan server sometime. WHOOPS! i forgot you got your subnet banned for cheating!
unlike some people in this thread i don't see the point in going around posting screenshots of my scores, people yelling cheater or talking about some big new accomplishment in the community.
who's hosting this anyways? i doubt AAN is going to want you back in their server, or anyone for that matter.
<countdown for joe to scream stfu strik0r kiss powell's ass> 1 hour