I have been looking for some nice crosshairs. I have been using sillygoose's crosshairs, and I swear that it improves my aim. Anyone else have any crosshairs that you think are like this? I saw a nice crosshair that was a bright green circle with dot in the middle. POst a link or name and where they are available from.
geez...people reply so fast around here...I mean that crosshairs and scopes are the same thing. Now I see why it's a good idea to use the quote button oOo:
geez...people reply so fast around here...I mean that crosshairs and scopes are the same thing. Now I see why it's a good idea to use the quote button oOo:
uhhh, crosshairs and scopes are 2 different things
btw check this out
Joined: 03 Jul 2002-i did, and i only have 200 some odd posts? wtf? lol
jesus christ, I know the difference between scopes and crosshairs...I figured you folks would be able to understand what I meant in this instance...obviously not.You all know perfectly well that alot of MOHAA players use the terms scope and crosshair interchangeably. Geez.
I guess this is the part where you cuff me and lead me off to First-Person Shooter jail for calling a crosshair a scope.
But seriously...I HAVE seen people use the terms interchangeably...heck, there's even a thread where where someone did it in the mods forum...asking how to create one or something to that effect.