Update: I've come down with the stinkin' flu or something, so I've asked for a postponement. Butcher and I are going to coordinate this thing all next week and hopefully have it ready for a week from Sat.
Because of how many people are interested in doing this, I'd like to have multiple servers involved. So far I've had interest from the OTD server, Forlorn Hope, and there was mention of another that I can't think of.
If you are interested in volunteering your server for this, please e-mail me at
admin@allaboutnothing.net. I'm hoping to get servers on the east coast as well as the west to accomidate everyone. Perhaps even a server in Europe for our overseas friends.
I'm also hoping to do this in 2 hour intervals... Meaning that it would run like 4-6 EST, then 7-9 EST and Finally 10 - 12 EST. This will give everyone a 2 hour chance to get their thrills.
Anyway, that's what I'm hoping. PLEASE YOU SERVER ADMINS OUT THERE, CONTACT ME!!!