Where can I get Team Assault Beta 1.0 ? -
01-11-2003, 03:30 PM
Aparently in this mod u can play the spearhead campaign with up to 8 friends online!! the only place i see to get it from is crappy fileplanet which will take 2 hours of waiting...
yeah thanks, i found it eventually after looking...any my friends and i can connect to a game but once we get to the brits on the first level nothing happens...none of the game triggers work...is it suposed to be like that?
In the site they tell what levels work and which ones don't when you go to download the program. Make sure you also downloaded the latest patches. In the news pages they explain some of the bugs yet to be
worked out. I have played around with it but not with other people. Good Luck!
go to this site http://ta.losers-at-work.de/news.php Scroll down and find a mirror thats not fileplanet unless u like waiting....I downloaded mine from the Brachstad mirror... But we can't seem to get any of the triggers on the first level to work...
Forgive my impertinence, but SH isn't that hard, so having a heap of people in the one scenario instead of one would make it hella easy.
I suppose it has heaps of movelty-value, though.
What's the deal with the Ardennes? does everyone get one of those anti-tanks thingies bigzooka: ?
RUNGSI highly recommends not playing this. I don't remember if it was just because it was glitched to hell, or if it was because it fauked your MOH installation. I think it was just real glitched.
Yeah I uninstalled it...I thought mohaa coop campaigns would be real fun...and they would be...but you can't join the axis team with the stupid mod installed so I deleted that thing fast...