Delator picks up modified binaries and kicks people who are using no cd cracks, which is annoying a lot of people as console posts "cheater detected etc etc" in-game, and the offender gets kicked usually.
A lot of people who use cd cracks actually bought the game (like myself) and need them because an endless amount of cd's to change each time u play a different game gets quite annoying and tedious.
All im saying is that this aspect of anti - cheats progs arent targetting the real problem and its pissing clean players off swordfight:
I use delator in our server more as a guide, i run it in silent mode and just check the logs whenever im out of the server often, anyone it flags i go in and watch em for a bit and if i think there cheatin then ban em... coz i have noticed it tends to flag ppl for things that dont exist.
Problem is those servers who use it fully and flag people who are innocent, its a pain in the ass getting called a cheater for having a cd crack lol cry:
Rico - what UK servers have you been on that this has happened on? It hasn't happened to me....yet. I have a legit copy of the game but use the nocd crack, as I do for all my games.
The Delator detection won't charge somebody as "modified binaries" for using a no-cd crack, unless the exe has been edited. I do also have a original copy and also use the no-cd crack as most of the people and it has never accused me of modified binaries nor someone on my clan.
Only Mac users are suffering this, and I think I have that already sorted.
Unless there is a later version of Delator..... I'm using 1.0 against our server Delator doesn't kick for changed binaries..... it can't....
Delator does everything it does through rcon..... skins is rcon dumpuser "user" and compairs to a list of know cheat skins....
It checks for ppl using private slots..... against a list....
I've heard Delator blamed for things it can't do.... it's just an extesion of rcon.... a great one.... swordfight:
The fact is there's indeed a new version of Delator, 2.0, which does indeed kick players who have maliciously edited his mohaa.exe, but it just cant kick a player with the usual no-cd crack, since it doesn't use CRC o file size to detect those changes, but directly checks the sensible cvars, and they are as valid on the no-cd exe as they are on the original one.
angel: Talk about getting off track.... but.... where can someone find Delator 2.0..... I've searched high and low..... the only even talke of it is here..... usually if Google doesn't show it it doesn't exist.