01-14-2003, 01:50 AM
Hope this helps
How to make a smashable window
Earlier today you were asking me how come you can't throw nades and or jump through windows...
Well, seeing that we tried my hotel test out, and had the same problem, which baffled my mind...I went back to see what I missed during the mapping of the windows...
And sure enough....I guess after a few hours the simple stuff becomes confusing.
Anyhow here's your answer...
After you add your window texture..make sure to right click in the mapping window (2D view) and slect Function-> Window.
If you hit N, you'll see an option..
Window_Broken_Block, this prevents the player from travelling through a broken window.
If you are scripting the window to break when being shot or for incoming nades do this..
Make a brush...put a window texture in it..hit F to fit.
Right click...Function-> Window
Hit N, put a key/value of Target/broken1
Now deselct the window.
Make another window over top of the first, line it up exactly with the "non broken texture"
Choose the broken texture..hit F to fit.
Right click in the 2D view...choose Script->Object
Hit N, and give it a key/value of Targetname/broken1
ALSO, make sure you choose the option NON_SOLID so that ppl can jump through it AFTER it's broken!
If you've done it right....and you move the scripted_object away from the func_window a little, you will see that there is an arrow connecting the two.
Oh and don't forget, every window that is to be scripted needs its own #.
i.e. If you have 4 windows
Func_Window will be:
Scripted_Object will be:
Whatever your func_window #, should be your Scripted # aswell.
i can not take any credit for this as it come from devilghost the master map scripter of our clan and also one of our fearless CL's