I agree....but this map offers a LOT of sniper's nests....hell you can damn near crouch in the open and pick them off,what with all the fog.....this map is a milliom times better than stalingrad....
Praise the Medics...and pass the ammunition
Actually, when we have the full rotation of maps to go through, Stalingrad won't seem so bad. It'll just be a pleasant change, and a chance to use some different tactics. Right now, it was all we had, so we've played it to death.
Amen Mac.....I didn't play Stalingrad to death either.......And now everyone can see what 2015 is capable of ,so we will have a lot more Postive feedback,instead of the normal level-bashing that goes on around here...lol
Draufga"gertum=DAS REICH!! 2nd SS Panzer Div.
yeah you could,but the damn fog is so thick you prolly caouldn't see the ground....lol
but the map rulez anyway,i love that it is so damn huge,and the allies start so far away....
Draufga"gertum=DAS REICH!! 2nd SS Panzer Div.
I'm (like a few other people) missing some background noises like plains flying over and artillery fire, so you get the feel there is a whole war going on, not just the small battle you are having.
I'm in full agreement of the sniper perch but it would become a spot that will be overused and ever opposing sniper would probably look at it first before any other common sniper nest.
heres how to fix the backround noise so it works:
A little bug in the new released demomap "the hunt" which can be fixed easily. During the Installation the background sounds are installed at the wrong folder and that's why you don't hear any backgroundsounds in the new map. To fix this just extract the "Amb_M5_TownExt_2.mp3" file to the following place : "medalofhonorfoldermainsoundamb_stereo" ..... That should fix it all.
Next to God...
...A Grunts Best Friend
Well, the beauty of that logic(I'm a sniper..let's go up in the tower) is that the enemy will know that also, and will look for it...or not. It's just another variable, and I wish we had it<picturing an allied rocket going whizzing into the bell tower and taking out multiple llamas>. Sweet. Oh well.