umm yah zoner i'd like my name in bloody form can u do that and like a ranger guy not like toenails the one u made for him like a ranger uniform in the backround could be more then one guy. thxxxxxxxx zonor ur the best at sigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin:
umm yah zoner i'd like my name in bloody form can u do that and like a ranger guy not like toenails the one u made for him like a ranger uniform in the backround could be more then one guy. thxxxxxxxx zonor ur the best at sigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin:
i whipped it up in like 10 min so dont hate me...
[img];.jpg[/img] since i have an obsession with splinter cell i had to through sam fisher in there. im sure zones will own mine. i didnt have any good pics to work with.. cry: