I'm sure that someone (official or otherwise) will make a CTF or Waypoint patch. but I don't believe there is one that comes with the retail version being released Jan. 22.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ijustwannaknow: I like the game but im not going to spend 29.99 for death match team match, objective based or round based match. Dosent intrest me.
But i will spend 29.99 for ctf.
[This message has been edited by Ijustwannaknow (edited December 24, 2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
hmmm......29.99 just because it has ctf?!!?? shoot, I would pay more than that just fpr the SP experience without MP. hey....everyone likes what they like!!!
So anyone that does like ctf should just go play quake?
The Reason why I like this game is because its realistic. Unlike quake, UT, and tribes 2.
Its a shame they didnt put ctf in.
Also Ive tried the new objective based map.
If they dont put respawn in, and a time limited objective.
I can see the multiplayer being very boring and awkward. "You only live once missions" are only good when playing game like ofp.
For example I was in serveral games today playing and I usally live the longest because I dont rush in like a commando I try to find a vantage point.
Myself and a oponnent we're the only ones left. Then the chat buffer starts to flood will you guys end the game we wanna play. This came from 6 people in the game "8 person game"
"most people cant stand to wait"
if you wanna play single player go play diablo 2, nox, or baulders gate 2.
I do love CTF, it is my favorite game of the type. Would be strange I think for this game as this game is less arcade, more tactical. My favorite game for CTF lately has been the Gore demo. Lots of fun and a great community of players.