With the start of our new server I like to launch the Valhalla MOHAA frist annual 4 0n 4 tournament.
The rules
1)Each team must have 4 players.
2)The team must consist of
1 sniper, 1 shotgun, 1 rifle & 1 smg and must play with that weapond through out the whole match. EX. if you use a sniper you will only use a sniper.
3)No cheating is allowed and I will be at every match to make sure everyone plays fair.
4)There are 16 teams in the tournament and the time limit for each match is 5 mintues, the team with the highest score will win. If two teams tie then we will have a 5 min over time.
5)The winnners will keep moving on till two are left for the championship round which will be 10 mintues long.
6)Anyone can sign up, you don't have to be in a clan just find some friends and sign up.
7)The team that wins gets bragging rights and will be posted on our web site.
8)All info will be email to you ahead of time so you can prepare for the match. We will email you your password to get into the server and match time.
9)The tournament will be on a Saturday 12:00pm the date has not been set yet.
When enough teams sign up I will post the date and email you.
10)Before each match I will ask each team to pick a number from 1 to 10 the team closest to the number that I have picked gets to pick axis or allies.
11)The clubbing rule anyone that clubs someone will be awarded 5 kills per club. lol
NO rockets bigzooka:
Running Classic MOHAA bigzooka: fire2: swordfight: fire1: M16:
I will accept the frist 16 teams to enter and will keep the next inline on reserves incase a team can't play.
To sign up or any questions please email me. To sign up I need your Clan name and players names and the weapons you have selected.
contact SILENT_X
This should be fun!
server I.P. if you want to test it out.
server is in Chicago
web site