Noctis you made the right choice you have shown that what they are doing id infact a crime and that should you have wanted you could have done quite a number on them but you have shown tah you are by far the bigger man by walking away. What i don't think some of them get is that at the end of the day it's just not worth screwing somebodys life up for.
to the hackers what you don't realise is if you continue on with this form of attacks all the privately run clan servers will shut and i don't think ea would like you doing it to them, and as we can see from other posts EA have no morals.
TeamGOD are a group of misfit you go around harrassing servers by either crashing them, attempting to. They boast about this in their forums and put down clans and other members of the community as if they were GOD.
In comparison, TeamGOD is not as bad as Myg0t. Not even close, but still an annoyance.
TeamGOD are a group of misfits who go around harrassing servers by either crashing them, or attempting to. They boast about this on their forums and put down clans and other members of the community as if they were GOD.
[quote="Captain Noctis Aeternus":14906]When I first consulted a lawyer and a judge on this matter, I was told that the people would be subject to fines and prohibation, maybe a few months in prison. After speaking with the FBI, they're talking years in prison.
I expect to get flamed in this thread, but whatever. I have my reasons for going as far as I did, and I have my reasons for not following through. And quite frankly, if you don't like it, you can kiss my white ass.
And MPowell, don't burn bridges.[/quote:14906]
well said and i agree with your decision. its one thing for a kid to learn a lesson its another to ruin his life over a video game. i fully respect and back your decision.
Wht about this video of them crashing a server? At least post that up for dload.
Luckly I have never had to deal with team god but once or twice. I was interested in seeing some of these videos. No use in keeping them to yourself as long as it doesn't ruin a case against them cuz that seems to be your (Noctis) intent. I have experienced several server restarts before but never a server crash.