Sambo: Crosshair Toggle?
I am wondering if it possible to toggle between two crosshairs with a script. I have two crosshairs I like to use but each has its advantages/disadvantages. I like to use a standard laser dot for most play but on some maps I like to use the micro laser dot for long range accuracy. It would be great to be able to toggle between the two. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
DuF Man: Not possible since a crosshair is not a script and or can't be toggled in game as other mods can't
Hobbs: actually it is possible. my friend did it.
DuF Man: Lmfao, I know for a fact this is impossible, try and prove me wrong, but I know you won't even try since you'll get embrassed...
Who's Laughing now shithead!!! evil: