im running phionex realizm mod have to say that most of our players enjoy it (but theres always 1 that ya cant please) which realizm mods are you fair players usin? we would like to try another but i dont want the game to get out of hand fine line here between realizm and out of control shootin really i think phinox realizm is perfect except on the axis side the m1 out classes the german rifle in every way any fix for that?
I think that Spearhead's built in realism mode is pretty good. It gives all the bolt-action rifles 100 damage or so, and the garand gets 58 damage. And all of the mgs and smgs bullets do around 25-40 damge. I think the realism mode is pretty good, it rewards people with good aim who use a rifle and it balances the cheapness of mgs. I myself use a modified version of this mode.
I'm testing a new mod, Noctis Balance Mod (on servers, look for [NBM]).
It's not so much realism, as balancing the weapons so that you have a chance with all of them. Cept maybe the rocket launcher. Also cuts way down on MG whoring.
It's in alpha right now, so only available by request. PM or one of my contacts below.
Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008