12-28-2001, 01:10 AM
command line:
C:GamesMOHAAMOHAANetDemo.exe +set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg +set ui_console 1
seta sv_hostname "YOUR SERVER NAME"
sets .URL "SERVER URL (games.mydomain.com)"
sets .CPU "Intel PIII 800 Dual Xeon / 1Gb RAM (or whatever you like)"
sets .Connection "100mbit(or whatever you like)"
sets .Admin "YOUR NAME"
seta .g_motd "WELCOME TO MY SERVER"
seta rconpassword "admin_password"
seta g_minGameClients "1"
seta sv_maxclients "16"
seta g_inactivity "180"
seta sv_allowDownload "0"
seta timelimit "15"
seta g_log "mohaa.log"
set g_gametype 1
map dmmohdm6
-first few lines are optional
-sv_maxclients sets max number of people to connect
-g_inactivity is good to prevent people just being on the server and not playing, 180 means server will move them to spectator mode if they do not move within 180 seconds
-timelimit is self-explanatory
-g_gametype sets type of game (for DM 1 and for TDM is 2, objective game is 4 [n/a for Stalingrad map])
also, server.cfg should be placed in directory named Main
try this, I hope it would work