I was gonna make a config file with a bunch of binds in it. some of the commands i dont know, but here it is. I would appreciate if someone would edit it or fill in my blanks.
alias 1 set
bind w "+moveforward"
bind s "+moveback"
bind a "+moveleft; +strafeleft"
bind d "+moveright; +straferight"
bind space "+jump"
bind lshift "+crouch"
bind e "+use"
(want a line here to make mouse2 secondary fire)
alias 2 set
bind (forwardarrow) "+moveforward"
bind (backarrow) "+moveback"
bind (left arrow) "+moveleft
bind d (rightarrow)
bind cntrl "+jump"
bind rshift "+crouch"
bind enter "+use"
(want a line here to make mouse2 leanright)
(want a line here to make mouse 3 secondary fire)
Ok, ummm. You cant have mouse2 for secondary and lean right......unless u make a script for it. Ill make one for ya now i guess.. oOo:
alias ml "bind mouse2 +leanright"
alias 3s "bind mouse3 +secondaryfire"
alias 2s "bind mouse 2 +secondaryfire"
//Press insert for mouse 2 leaning right
bind ins ml
//Press home for mouse3 secondary fire
bind home 3s
//Press page up for mouse 2 secondary fire.
bind pgup 2s
There you see the buttons. Copy everything in bold and paste into yur custom.cfg in yur main folder.
Hey issisx. This is PAS312. I want the 1 key to make the first setup of keys. I want the 2 key to change that setup to that setup of keys. The two setups are seperated by alias, even though i dunno what they do. Issisx, what up with the site? I cant get to it.