In reply to Blitzhund.....
[quote:e8e71]"Cheating is so rampant in MOHAA...
MOHAA remains one of my favorite games of all time, I've spent many a rainy day and night playing multiplayer and the excellent single player game. Then I took a 5 month break, came back, and discovered that there were many more cheaters on MOHAA and on servers that claimed to prevent such cheating.
I watch folks 'look through walls' (at least I think that's what they are doing by their actions, I know people use the 'turn everyone neon green', autbot aiming, etc. Sadly, I wish I could find a server that didn't have cheating on it, but I've not found it yet.
Why do so many people have to ruin a great game by cheating? <sigh>
<climb down off of soapbox>"[/quote:e8e71]
I find myself in a similar situation to u m8y as I too took a few months away, came back, and thought I had just lost it. Then I read a post somewhere about using a neon-skin wallhack while spectating to catch wallhackers. BINGO> This kind of cheating is a lot more prevailant than some ppl think. It is rare that I go to a public server and find no one cheating. Even the anticheats like delator 2 etc. are not 100% effective. It is demoralising and really makes me want to go back to snakes and ladders.
cheers for the chance to bitch and moan. and this is my first ever forum post so forgive me if it is knackered up.
jade10 n00b