01-22-2003, 04:59 PM
You know what I am getting sick of, is this "Americas one big violent shit-hole" mentallity and its just is'nt true. Grant it theres high-crime areas and places where people live in fear, but what country can honestly say that they dont have those areas (repeat honestly) I've been many times into downtown Seattle day and night, never once have I feared for my life or felt the need to carry a gun, but if I felt the need to why should'nt I hmm? If I have a license and permits for my weapons, no criminal past...so on, why sdould'nt I carry a gun or own one? The problem is not the guns, the problem is the scumfucks who bloody well use them illegally and we have plenty of them. In a society where there is crime fairly high people should have the right to defend themselves, a person could be killed in the time it takes for the police to show up...or being armed they could defend themselves.