AutoKick -
01-26-2003, 10:40 AM
No there is no way to do that you could, put it on another server but what good whould that be! Most of the control autokick provides is the displayed controll panel! You would have to log on to this other server and ban or kick people! By that time the miscreant cuasing problems would have wreaked havac on your game!
The best way I found to do it is to run your compuetr all the time, running auto kick! Just have your computer turn off the monitor and keep power, and hard disk running! Yeah it uses a little power and does some wear and tear on the compueter but trust me you wont have that computer long enough to affect it in a couple years you know you eill have a new one!
Or you can put a second man in charge and have him run autokick too, or rotate days or something, then when he is done or you just send each other the ban names and ips so you can keep each others lists updated!
I would also suggest getting delater 2.0 its all over! Its not a condome but it helps!