ya know whats cool aussie bboy style, i luv dressin like that, well only in the summer hehe cause winter here u cant really wear shorts hehe or a t-shirt outside lol
Mine english is not so good. but i moves hear from sweden. it is very hot hear in australia but the food is nice and good. i like australia. it is good.
Did ANYONE other than Wookie and me watch Changi ?
Fuck man that show was good... And you Aussies missed it
G'day to all the aussies out there. How many of you are there. Lets make some noise in here. By the way.. that canada map thing is pretty cool.
Happy new year!
"For the brave men who gave us life and freedom at the greatest cost, we will salute you always!"
King of the Aussies here Welcome, seeing I went away for New Years I missed this one, but welcome anyway man
Any Questions, Concerns or Comments ?
Email me at:Mindsnare18@hotmail.com
Remember to look at the FAQ and Developers Q and A before posting. Do not attempt to adjust your set, this is a Streaming Freedom video bulletin, the cable hack will last exactly 60 seconds. It cannot be traced, it cannot be stopped, and it is the only free voice left in this city.
Good God Not that again... I thought that died years ago, And that mindless chant is gonna make us look bad in the eyes of our richer, fatter Allies *CoughAlbowCough*....
But, I'm a Patriot, so:
OI OI OI !!!!!
EDIT: Holy shit, A week and a half of holidays and my minds already turned to mush....
[This message has been edited by Von Paulus (edited January 01, 2002).]