I would like to make it clear the engine that drives these bots was developed by jv_maps a read me file will be added today along with this written apoligy to jv_map.
I was unclear of the Author of the diffrent elements that went into these bots. JV_map clearly was the developer of the first multiplayer bots and our map modifications allow them to be played on MOHAA stock maps.
These Bots are designed from the original models from moh
driven by JV_maps new_generic_human.tik modification, and our server sided maps allow them to be played by everyone.
As far as thier movment, unless the bots are woven into a map they can not run around. Since this type of edit is not possible on stock maps running bots that patrol on stock maps is not possible. What =LMAO= and JV_map have dune is allow you to have practice during the slow hours
with 35 targets.
They are placed at key locations on the maps that will be changed periodicly. They junp, duck, crawl and strafe, but most important they shoot back!
Again i would like to apoligize to JV_Map and hope we can all expect more great things from him in the future.
Like Original formula Coke, the original Bots map is best, the other 2? I've played, are both small boys pantz, and dilute the experience.
The original one, is quite a desperate affair, especially when you go for the "complete in fastest time" type game (1:27 so far)
I love getting in, and shgooting like a maniac, before the axis spawn, and yes, it does get you sweating, when you wonder if you'll get shot in the back before you can place the explosive. Then you have to fight a desperate defending action until the rest of your guys can get there.
Only criticsms.... Guys in the pillbox can't be killed when they're crouching and 3 spawn points on the upper level?
Apart from that, original version excellent. fire2: