anyone else getting bad connections tonight? -
01-28-2003, 10:11 PM
or is it just me? i went to play some bf1942 & on ever server my ping was 600+ except one for some strange reson. or is it just cause my internet suks teh cok?
I was having problems earlier. I was pinging about 250 in our teams server. I kept disconnecting and reconnecting, restarting my PC reseting my modem all to no avail. After a while I gave up and just went into the server to screw around. This was about 3 hours after I first tried to connect. Well after goofing off with Judas and ktog in Algiers for about a half hour, my ping leveled out to 50. No idea how or why.
looks like its doing it again tonight, played aearlyer around 2 & it was fine but now all the servers are at 700ping except one server for some weird reason oOo: