Looking for a Program to track Kill count -
01-28-2003, 11:10 PM
I had this program in MOH and lost it i have looked all over the place for it
and havent found it. Just wanted to keep track of my Kills, Deaths and which weapon i used, Anyone know of one i would be in your debt.Thanks
By the way it can be used as well to track my teammates also and in
SpearHead to.
CSports ranking is the global ranking system, it calculates all the statistics of `every` game you play online, search for your name there and you will get a score.
http://www.csports.net but if you want the number one spot ya gonna have to come past us first evil:
Well i checked cssports and low and behold my name doesnt show up in thier data base. Hmm Not even for Tribes 2 which i play just as much as
MOH. Go figure any how still looking for that program to track kill and death count for me and my teammates. Thanks
[WLA] are a Round Based Clan and we're all listed on it. It does do TDM, FFA and Objective. If you play all the game types it records your stats for each.
If you have a clan tag try searching for that instead of your whole name. Also try searching for a lump of readable text in your name..If I search for BipolarChucker I get all the differing variations I've used.
It cuts names off at 24 characters btw, and yes, that's me at No.2. evil:
I have but still it has some listings but i dosent give me what iam looking
for a Chart type graph of Kill counts and Deaths in TDM. And i want to share
this with my teammates as well. Any help Please